
Jessica Hannah, Director of Donor Relations
Jessica Hannah, Director of Donor Relations
210.520.8440 ext. 230

Jessica Hannah is the Director of Donor Relations and specializes in connecting the community with the services CIS provides for thousands of students. She works with individuals, companies, organizations, and others so they understand the unique needs of our students and finds opportunities for them to support our work so students have a community of support.


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Mar 19 2021


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm



CIS 201: A Closer Look Into CIS Services

Take a closer look into Communities In Schools of San Antonio (CIS-SA) programming and learn how we serve students and families in schools and beyond. This 60-minute interactive course helps participants understand how CIS-SA builds an equitable path to education by building relationships, breaking down barriers, and unlocking potential. Participants will be able to select two break-out sessions.

Break-Out Sessions Include:

  • Increasing Access to Mental Health Services
  • Going Beyond School Walls- A Look At Non-Traditional CIS Services
  • Developing Future-Ready Students
  • Launching Students Towards STEM Pathways
  • Building Community Through Collaboration, Training, and Partnerships
  • Leveraging the Private and Public Sector to Fund CIS Work

Click here for more details on each session.



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