
Roxanna Perez
Roxanna Perez

Roxanna Perez has a master’s degree in Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor, currently she is a lead clinical caseworker with Communities in Schools San Antonio. Roxanna has a heart and passion for serving children, adolescents, and their families, which lead her to her professional experiences for 20 years, which include Communities in Schools Houston, Southwest Key Houston serving unaccompanied minors, and a family and youth community counseling center in San Antonio. Roxanna Pérez tiene una maestría en Consejería y es Consejera Profesional Licenciada, actualmente es una trabajadora social clínica principal con Communities in Schools San Antonio. Roxanna tiene un corazón y una pasión por servir a los niños, adolescentes y sus familias, lo que la llevó a sus experiencias profesionales durante 20 años, que incluyen Communities in Schools Houston, Southwest Key Houston que atiende a menores no acompañados y un centro de consejería comunitaria familiar y juvenil en San Antonio.

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Gabriela Valdez
Gabriela Valdez

Gabriela Valdez has a master’s degree in Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. Gabriela has been with Communities in Schools for 5 years, 3 of those years serving as a clinical caseworker. Prior to boarding with CIS, Gabriela’s previous professional experience included serving the homeless population in shelter and transitional living settings and the domestic violence population Gabriela Valdez tiene una maestría en Consejería y es una Consejera Profesional Licenciada. Gabriela ha trabajado con Communities in Schools por 5 años, 3 de esos años sirviendo como consejera. Antes de embarcar en CIS, la experiencia profesional previa de Gabriela incluía servir a la población sin hogar en refugios y entornos de vida de transición y la población de violencia doméstica.


Presentation will be on zoom- zoom link will be given after registration.
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Jan 18 2022


9:00 am - 10:30 pm

Being Your Best Self in Anxious Times

The primary focus is to provide parents and/or legal guardians with additional understanding and resources to help support their school aged (elementary, middle school, and high school) children in managing anxious feelings.  We will provide a general description of anxiety and discuss the ways anxiety presents itself, to provide options to support open communication with your child, to recognize emotions that your child may experience, provide resources to parents to support their children experiencing feelings of anxiousness and practice activities that may be implemented.  This training will be virtual. 


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