What is Friends of CIS-SA
The Friends of Communities In Schools of San Antonio is a group of diverse and influential community members with a common passion for supporting and empowering students to graduate and achieve in life. They collaborate with CIS-SA staff to provide students with enrichment activities, mentors and resources to help them succeed. Friends also support CIS-SA by:
“Thanks to the Friends of CIS-SA for establishing partnerships with the San Antonio Botanical Garden, McNay Art Museum, and San Antonio Museum of Art.”
Why Become a Friend?
Member Spotlight
“Being a Friend of CIS-SA allows me to use my talents where they are needed. Volunteering to either serve directly with the dedicated staff, offering help to deserving students, or working with like-minded people on worthwhile projects, gives me a breath of fresh air and lifts me up. ” – Soonalyn Jacob
Membership Benefits
Ready to Become a Friend?
Individual Membership is only $35 and Household Membership is $50 per year.
There are two ways you can join or renew your membership.
1. Complete the electronic membership form here.
2. Mail us your membership form and a check for your dues. Be sure to indicate Friends of CIS in the memo of your check.
Communities In Schools of San Antonio
ATTN: Jessica Hannah
1045 Cheever Blvd. Suite 201 San Antonio, TX 78217
All memberships now expire on August 31st of each year.